The IMPReSS project is a 30-months EU-Brazil cooperative research project started in 2013.
The project is partly funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme in the area of EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation under Grant Agreement no. 614100
This first issue of the project newsletter contains four articles. First off, a short article will give the reader an overview of the project’s innovative approach to system development. The second article explains how the definition of user requirements drives the development work. As IMPReSS will be implemented and validated in two pilot sites, one of these pilot sites, The Teatro Amazonas, is presented and its user scenario described. Finally, there is an article on how IMPReSS intends to manage energy efficiency context information. The reader will also find a list of forthcoming and completed external events where IMPReSS has been presented, as well as a list of completed deliverables.